Home inspection report repair cost analysis

Save time and money understanding your report

Close faster, negotiate better on repair credits, save money with DIY, find hidden pitfalls and savings


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  2. Upload your inspection report
  3. Receive your SpectBetter analysis via email within 24 hours

Money saving home inspection tips, delivered straight to your inbox!

As a home buyer, the impact of your inspection report can make or break a deal

Faulty electrical outlets, plumbing issues, roof problems...how big of an issue is it, can I fix it myself, and how much with this cost me?

Contractors are expensive and time consuming

Save time and money by understanding the costs and DIY potential of fixes...instead of waiting for an overpriced contractors estimate

"I spent an entire weekend researching all the items in my inspection report..."

I built SpectBetter out of necessity after two major life events

I lost my dad (and the world's best dad), a lifelong contractor, very suddenly… and I bought my first house a few months later.

I had an unfair advantage of getting the most unbiased contractor advice…that was no longer available.

We put an offer on a house, got it inspected, and I soon realized how overwhelming the house buying experience can be without a contractors guidance.

I spent an entire weekend researching all the items in my inspection report, calling friends who recently bought homes, and asking relatives who were also in the trades what these report items really meant to the deal and my bank account.

SpectBetter gives home purchasers the advantage of having unbiased guidance on all aspects of their inspection report, without inflated contractor estimates and bad advice.

We put the time and effort into researching, so you can save more money and make more informed decisions about your home purchase.

Bryan Spivey - SpectBetter

Understand exactly what your report means to your wallet

Prioritize safety issues, save thousands with DIY fixes with tutorials specific to each item, understand the true costs or repairs, negotiate better on repair credits and contingencies.

More than just a price report


Understand major safety issues that should be taken care of right away, and which ones can wait a while

DIY Potential
Homeowner's can easily save thousands of dollars fixing small problems themselves

Links to the best tutorials from YouTube are provided for all issues on the report


Major projects take lots of time and interrupt your life, make sure you understand the time investment of each repair

Cost Estimates

Understanding the cost of repairs can make or break a deal. Fast and accurate cost estimates are provided from HomeAdvisor

SpectBetter Score

Our proprietary rating score helps homeowners negotiate repair credits more effectively, understanding which items to push the seller on, and which to avoid

Check out what customers say

"SpectBetter helped me understand my inspection report when I didn't have time to get a contractor, plumber, and electrician to my potential home before closing"

Adam Gomes

Orange County, CA

"We had only a few days until contingencies were due and were frantically googling the costs of the repairs we needed to make...SpectBetter saved us so much time!"

Aaron Cushman

Los Angeles, CA

"We backed out of a deal after realizing how much the repairs were going to cost, I had no idea they were going to be that much, SpectBetter is a lifesaver!"

Elizabeth Green

Boulder, CO


  1. Submit payment
  2. Upload your inspection report
  3. Receive your SpectBetter analysis via email within 24 hours

Money saving home inspection tips, delivered straight to your inbox!


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